
Why stop time?

«Antonioni, too, made a great use of the Polaroid at the time, and I remember that during a reconaissance in Uzbekistan for a film that in the end we never made, he wanted to give three elderly Muslims a photograph he had taken of them. The eldest, after catching a brief glance at the image, gave it back to him, saying: "Why stop time?" We were left gaping in wonder, speechless at this extraordinary refusal.

Tarkovsky often reflected on the way time flies and this is precisely what he wanted: to stop it, even with these quick Polaroid shots.» 

«These images leave with us a mysterious and poetic sensation, the melancholy of seeing things for the last time.» 

[Tonino Guerra, Foreword: A fond farewell, Instant Light Tarkovsky Polaroids, p. 7 e p. 9]

Porquê parar o tempo? Para que as coisas que vemos pela última vez, não sejam as últimas que vemos.

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